The CREM (Center of Research in Economics and Management), the laboratory SMART (Structure and Markets in Agriculture Resources and Territories) and TEPP (Theory and Evaluation of Public Policies) are pleased to organize the 38th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA), days of Applied Micronomics in Rennes at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rennes 1 Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June 2022.

Every year, the JMA conference takes place in a different University in France, in a French-speaking country or in a border country. It brings together academics and researchers, seniors, juniors, or PhD students, whose research contributes to the literatures in applied microeconomics.

The conference will start with the keynote lecture given by John List, Professor of Economics at University of Chicago. 

John List sciencesconf
John A. List is the Kenneth C. Griffin Distinguished Service Professor in Economics at the University of Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Wyoming.
His research focuses on questions in microeconomics, with a particular emphasis on using field experiments to address both positive and normative issues. His research includes over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and several published books, including the 2013 international best-seller, The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life (with Uri Gneezy).


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The Voltage Effect

Be it a medical breakthrough, a policy initiative, a product innovation, or a social movement, translating an idea into widespread impact depends on one thing only: whether it can be replicated at scale.

"Scale" has become a favored buzzword in the startup world. But scale isn't just about accumulating more users or capturing more market share. It's about whether an idea that takes hold in a small group can do the same in a much larger one. Scalability is critical to everything from expanding a small business, to narrowing the national achievement gap, to delivering billions of doses of a vaccine, to making a new technology widely affordable—and much more.


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